Resource Policies and Procedures
Resource Policies and Procedures Inclusion/Exclusion Policy
Inclusion/Exclusion Policy
Determination of which programs are included in the database ultimately is made by testing the program against the HNNEO Inclusion/Exclusion policy, as follows:
Principles of Inclusion/Exclusion in the Help Network of Northeast Ohio database
Eligibility for inclusion in the database is based on the following principles:
- Coverage of the database focuses on human services; basic needs, consumer services, education, environmental quality, health care, income security, individual and family life, mental health care and counseling, organizational/community services, target groups and related concepts.
- Non-profit organizations [501 (c) 3 tax-exempt], or governmental agencies providing the above services or information are eligible for inclusion.
- For-profit groups are considered for inclusion if that group provides a service not available or accessible through a non-profit or governmental agency.
- Groups offering non-restrictive service to the public such as support groups, collaborative and civic groups are considered for inclusion. Such groups are expected to show proof of continuing service for inclusion.
- Providers accepting Medicare/Medicaid are considered for inclusion if they request.
- The database has a geographic focus of Mahoning, Columbiana and Trumbull County.
- If there is no local agency providing information or service, a national organization or an organization in a nearby area is considered for inclusion.
- This also will pertain to agencies which provide a complete list of services, e.g. Ohio Childcare Finder, a program of Early Childhood Resource Center, which eliminates the need to duplicate those services.
- Agencies are required to review and update their data annually to maintain inclusion in the data base.
Principles of exclusion are:
- Agencies who discriminate in providing services or in employment on the basis of gender, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability will not be included.
- Help Network of Northeast Ohio reserves the right to exclude any database entry that does not comply with the mission statement of Help Network of Northeast Ohio. Reconsideration of any decision regarding inclusion or exclusion will be reviewed by Help Network of Northeast Ohio Executive staff.
Help Network of Northeast Ohio is not responsible for the quality of services provided by any agency in the database. Every effort is made to ensure that the information included in the database is as complete and accurate as possible.
HHCC Board approved.
Original Board Approval 2003
Statement to Agencies during database review:
*Submission of your program information does not guarantee inclusion in our database nor in our print directory and/or (web-based) on-line directory. Our inclusion/exclusion policy may be requested at any time by calling our office requesting a copy. Additionally, Help Network of Northeast Ohio reserves the right to edit information for brevity, clarity and content; and to publish the information in a variety of media, subject to confidentiality issues.
Issued By: Chief Executive Officer/Executive Team
Approved By: Board of Directors
Board President: 11/11/14, 2003
Effective Date: 12/2/13
Approved by Board Date: 11/11/14
Revised: 10/22/19, 7/18/17, 11/11/14, 12/2/13
Reviewed: 10/22/19, 4/28/19, 7/18/17, 2016, 11/11/14, 12/2/13