Help Is Here

Mental Health


Help Network of Northeast Ohio programs

Dial 211 to learn more about any of the programs listed below.

Suicide and Crisis Intervention/Prevention

24/7/365, Help Network’s hotline is for individuals contemplating suicide, or concerned friends or family members seeking help for a loved one. We are also a back-up call center for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline serving Ohio. Help Network is also a 24-hour crisis intervention hotline for individuals experiencing any type of crisis.

Suicide Prevention Education

Speakers are available to discuss suicide prevention at schools, groups and trainings.

Survivors of Suicide Support Group

A grief group that meets in Mahoning and Columbiana Counties for families and friends who are coping with the death of a loved one due to suicide.  For information, call the Administration Line 330-747-5111.

211 Information and Referral

211 is a comprehensive, up-to-date database of community resources available 24 hours a day, offering centralized information and referral for individuals seeking various services in the community — whether via programs offered by Help Network of Northeast Ohio or referral to other agencies.

Dial 211, or click the link below to find more information about Mental Health services available in the community.

Search the 211 database for additional community Mental Health resources

Family Success Network

The Family Success Network is a child abuse and neglect prevention program geared toward all families in Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull Counties.  This program is designed to strengthen resiliency and increase protective factors for families through information and referral, Family Coaching, Triple P. Transition to Independence and Money 101 programs.  Through this voluntary program, at risk families can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to avoid child welfare intervention.

Housing Opportunities Program

Help Network offers permanent, supportive and traditional housing through this program. Participants must be involved with the Mahoning County Mental Health & Recovery system. Help Network is also in a partnership with two other social service providers in the Commons at Madison, a permanent and supportive housing project designed for individuals with mental health and/or substance abuse issues.  We are also coordinated entry for the Mahoning County Continuum of Care.

Intensive Guardianship Program

This program is for individuals who are in need of a Guardian to oversee them. It can only be accessed through referrals from the Mental Health & Recovery or Developmental Disabilities systems that contract with Help Network for Guardian Services. In addition, the probate court has ultimate approval of all the guardianships.

Payeeship Programs

The Payeeship Program provides support to individuals who are unable to manage their income. These individuals are referred by the Mental Health & Recovery or Developmental Disabilities providers for consideration. This service is provided for individuals from Mahoning and Trumbull counties. The program is located at 261 E Wood St. in Youngstown.

Peer Resource and Recovery Programs –

Youngstown and East Liverpool

Here, individuals with severe and persistent mental illness gather and participate in programming to assist in coping with their illness. There are recovery groups along with social, recreational and fitness activities to promote overall wellness and fellowship. In addition, this program has a number of peer specialists who have specific training to work with individuals with mental illness and/or substance abuse issues.  This program is offered at The Community Center, 1344 Fifth Avenue in Youngstown and the Peer Resource and Recovery Center, 509 Market Street in East Liverpool.

Youngstown Community Center Calendar January 2025

East Liverpool Peer Center Calendar January 2025


Currently, WarmLine days and hours are Monday and Friday 3 p.m. – 10 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4 p.m. – 10 p.m.  

A Peer-to-Peer service that specializes in helping individuals who are struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues or know of someone who just needs someone to talk to.

1-866-303 PEER (7337).